Our Company

Our History

The Good Earth story began when two iconic women, Waheeda Rehman, India’s beloved actor, and Ashrafa Sattar, an entrepreneur, came together and created India’s very First and Original Muesli. The story of the original two mothers who wanted to create a wholesome yet convenient breakfast for their children growing up at a time when nothing of the sort existed in India. No one tells the story better than Waheeda herself…
“It all started with me and my nagging. ‘They’ve rushed off to school on an empty stomach’. That was my refrain day after day. I thought my kids peculiar till my neighbour, Ashrafa Sattar, on the next farm had the same complaint.
So Ashrafa and I put our heads together, read as much as we could on nutrition and experimented with various combinations. We consulted leading nutritionists in India, USA and Switzerland to arrive at a perfect formula – not only highly nutritious, but also delicious to taste. That’s how a homemade breakfast cereal was born – right in our own kitchen – just for our family.
Then our kids talked – as all kids do – and word got around – as it usually does – and suddenly neighbours, friends and acquaintances, with their kids started showing up at the crack of dawn. At first I thought it was me they wanted to meet but soon I realised it was the almonds and raisins, the dates and the figs, the crunchy – munchy – healthy grains coated with honey, that they were after, that they had heard about on the children’s gossip circuit.
So Ashrafa and I made many times the quantity of the cereal, packaged it and it reached the shelves of all good stores. The original formula remains the same – best quality dry-fruits, nuts and grains. NO artificial chemicals, NO refined additives. We want to share this healthy goodness, not only with our family, neighbours and friends, but with anyone who cares to pick up this pack.”
Waheeda Rehman
Who we are

We are a Therapeutic Nutrition Company dedicated to creating nutritious alternatives to breakfasts and snacks for the health conscious consumer. Our Functional Food range of delicious snacks enriched with plant-based bioactives aim to promote well being from within.